Everything has to be measured. Quality Control depends on it, certainly, but simple production line logistics demand it.
Fast, accurate measurement of the dimensions of a part or product, is often one of the most critical aspects of your machine vision system.
A camera’s integrated lighting is a type of direct light which has difficulties in delivering the high contrast needed for the machine vision system to perform a precise calculation.
Various lighting solutions may be suitable, according to the needs of the task. These solutions may include a backlight.
Backlight: A backlight will generate an intense contrast against a bright background enabling high quality edge detection. By adding a diffusion plate to an assembly of LED bar lights the whole work-piece can be lit to enable a very precise dimensional calculation by the camera.
Low Angle, Diffusion Dome, Square or Parallel: In situations where a backlight is not considered feasible, using one of these other configurations may give the clearest edge detection and/or relief features of the piece.
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