Most products have some parts with curved shapes. From vehicle dashboards to washing machine front plates, curves are nearly ubiquitous in industrial processes.
Precise gauging of curves is naturally a quality control issue, which requires precise detection and measurement.
Quality control cameras with the standard, coaxial lighting can struggle to detect curved shapes. Due to the position of the product under control and how the shadows may fall, a camera with just this kind of integrated lighting may be unable to detect the edges of an object, or to highlight the depth of a hollow.
From the camera’s point of view, a curved surface is just a flat work-piece with no definition to the edges.
LED Ring Light: The ring light will provide light from the entire circumference, helping to go over the whole surface, and correctly lighting it. Improvement to this can be made with low angle lighting.
Low Angle Lighting: By increasing the angle of incidence between light-source and camera will highlight and illuminate with a diffused, homogeneous light.
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